chandal dosh puja in ujjain

chandal dosh puja in ujjain

Chandal Dosh Nivaran Puja in Ujjain

The Chandal Dosh Nivaran Puja in Ujjain is a ritual performed to reduce the effects of Chandal Dosha. Chandal Dosha is an astrological condition that arises when Rahu and Ketu are positioned in specific houses in a person’s birth chart. It is considered to be inauspicious and can bring various challenges and obstacles in life.

The Chandal Dosh Puja in Ujjain is conducted to seek the blessings of all the gods and planets, specifically Rahu and Ketu, to mitigate the negative effects of this dosha. The puja involves chanting mantras, performing homas (fire rituals), and offering prayers to appease the malefic influences of Rahu and Ketu.

The devotees believe that performing this puja in Ujjain, on the pilgrimage site (तीर्थ स्थल), brings relief from the negative impact of Chandal Dosh Puja in Ujjain. Moreover, it promotes positivity, harmony, and well-being in one’s life.

Vidhi For Chandal Dosh Puja in Ujjain

The Vidhi (procedure) for Chandal Dosh Puja in Ujjain involves the following steps:
  • Devotees purify themselves through a bath and wear clean clothes before starting the puja.
  • The puja is usually conducted in a temple or a sacred place dedicated to Lord Shiva or Navagrahas (nine planets).
  • The pandit ji begins the puja by invoking Lord Ganesha for blessings and removing obstacles.
  • Offerings of flowers, fruits, and sweets are made to the deities to seek their blessings.
  • Special mantras are chanted to appease Rahu and Ketu and remove the effects of Chandal Dosha.
  •  Havan is performed, and specific items like sesame seeds, black gram, and mustard oil are offered into the sacred fire while chanting mantras.
  • Devotees seek forgiveness for past deeds and pray for the removal of malefic influences of Rahu and Ketu.
  • The puja concludes with an aarti, where devotees offer lighted lamps to the deities, seeking their blessings and protection.
  • Prasad (blessed food) is then distributed to all the devotees, marking the completion of the Chandal Dosh Puja.
Mangal Dosh Puja

Benefits of Chandal Dosh Puja in Ujjain

The Chandal Dosh Puja in Ujjain offers various benefits to individuals facing the malefic effects of Chandal Dosha in their birth charts. By performing this sacred ritual, devotees seek relief from the challenges and obstacles caused by the planetary positions of Rahu and Ketu. 

The puja aims to appease these malefic influences and promote positivity, harmony, and well-being in one’s life. It is believed that the puja can bring about favorable changes in different aspects, such as career, relationships, and health. 

Devotees also seek forgiveness for any past negative karmas and pray for a fresh start with renewed positivity and spiritual growth. Participating in the Chandal Dosh Nivaran Puja in Ujjain enhances the significance and effectiveness of the puja.

Chandra Puja

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